This Sunday on Intimacy and Listening in Prayer!

As I have dove deeper into The Secret Place of Prayer, the Lord has said, “It is a place of intimacy and honesty” as well as “It is a place of Listening…” What joy to know true intimacy which is “to be fully known and yet fully loved.” One of the greatest things Jesus ever gave me was a place of security with Him when He told me He was committed to me and my growth in Him. This allowed me to be open and honest with the Lord regarding my struggles and mis-steps (not for His benefit – He already knew) but for me. His love and intimacy began to empower me to choose Him and His way over my own ways. I learned He was not afraid of my dark places, and better yet, that His light was greater than my darkness; and His love was stronger than my mis-steps.

I also discovered in prayer that listening was one of the greatest gifts I could give the Lord. He had many wonderful things to say but I was often too busy telling Him stuff I wanted Him to do for me to hear Him. He has since begun training me to listen and really take inventory of the Voices that try to sow into me and identify me throughout the course of a day.

Be sure and join us this Sunday as together we experience our Father’s voice, intimacy, and rich, rich love.