Our hearts for Kingdom Partnership

 In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus invited us to pray a simple prayer that carries profound impact, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”  This prayer is one of the catalysts in our heart to see unity and Kingdom partnership among churches and ministries because there is obviously no division or schism among God’s people in Heaven.

We truly believe it is our Father’s desire that the body of Christ walk together in the reality of our unity that exists in Him and His Spirit.  The truth is even though we may have different doctrinal stances on certain things, we are born of the same Spirit, washed in the same blood, and call the same God, “Our Father.”

Please pray and agree with us in this endeavor as we know from John 17:23, our oneness allows the world to know God sent Christ here for them and He loves them as He loves Christ. If you would like to be involved in Kingdom unity gatherings and opportunities sign up below to be on the contact list.