Get Involved!
6|12 Students
We purpose to advance God's Kingdom one student at a time through discipling them to abide in Jesus, get their identity in Christ, and yield to His total Lordship.
Connections Team
This team is passionate about helping our families and guests become better connected with each other and with our Father. Members of this team welcome and serve all who come to worship with us.
Kids of Grace
You are invited to partner with the establishing of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of the littlest members of God's family by teaching, administrating, helping, or in technical capacities.
Tech Team
We exist to serve the vision of advancing God's Kingdom one heart at a time through streaming our services and providing both audio and video technical support..
Worship Band
Our heart is to facilitate the presence of God in our services through Spirit filled worship for all who attend in person or online.
If you are interested in finding out more about volunteering at Grace Church,
click the button below and we will get in touch with you ASAP!
**By submitting this form, you are not officially "signing up" for anything. You are simply letting us know where your interest lies so we can get you more information about volunteer positions available, and help you connect to them!**