Be sure and join us this Sunday as we begin a brand new venture into God's Secret Place! It is mentioned twice in Matthew 6 by Jesus and also in the Psalms. When God speaks of the secret place of prayer, He is not describing an activity we do but a place we go to be alone with Him for intimacy, protection, rest, transformation, and meditation on what is true. It is not about our perfection but about resting in the ONE who loves us perfectly. There are many types of prayer mentioned in the Bible, and each of them are very important - yet we hear so very little about prayer as a place we go to be with Jesus and be taught by Him. It is important to remember we are just as hard-wired for receiving as humans as we are for producing. We all need quiet and restful times (especially starting a new year) where we learn to enjoy God as He enjoys us. Make your plans to come and be a part!