This Sunday ~ Prayer as Meditation!

This Sunday we will continue the series, “The Secret Place of Prayer” by looking at prayer as “meditation”. The Word meditate means think upon over and over again; to ponder; to reflect upon and to consider deeply. How amazing our transformation if we but take time to really consider deeply all God says about us and receive it into our hearts? Our heart is just like soil according to Jesus and we will “give form” to whatever takes up root there!

God’s Words are Spirit and they are life to us (John 6:63). The realities of the spirit are foolishness to the natural man yet the Christian life is identification with the things of the spirit. Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb by the Spirit. Jesus was empowered for ministry by the Spirit. He cast out devils by the Spirit. The Church was birthed in Acts by the Spirit. We are born again by the Spirit. We are changed from glory to glory by the Spirit. We are endued from on high by the Spirit. We bear fruit by the Spirit. We worship in spirit and truth. Why? Because God is Spirit and God is Truth. Join us this Sunday as we let God wash our hearts/mind with His Word and show what are the “acceptable things of meditation” out of Psalm 19:14 and Philippians 4:8!!