Be sure and join us this Sunday as we begin the brand new series, "Rediscovering the Love of God!" Is there any revelation more important than this one? A well-known theologian was asked recently, "What is the most important truth you ever studied?" and he answered, "Jesus loves me this I know. Every truth flows through this truth." This is so true, for it is our Father's love amazing love for us that even allows us to believe all His other promises like provision, protection, forgiveness, and patience. I know personally my whole world changed with the revelation that God didn't love me because I was so good but because He was so good. Not because I was so pure but because He was so pure. That steadfast and relentless love, once received and accepted, empowered me to be good and to be pure not because I had to but because I wanted to.
God won't make you love Him, but you don't have the power to make Him not love you. Let's come together this Sunday to know and believe the love God has for us; receiving it and becoming one with it.