Highlights from Brian's Message

Here’s a few things from my notes from Sunday’s message Grace for Life (Elder Brian Cannon)

Feel free to post your favs in the comment section if you have ‘em!!

1) Colossians 2:6- There’s only one way to live the Christian life – the same way you got saved – rest and receive God’s Grace.

2) It’s not what would Jesus do, it’s “Jesus do what you do through me”

3) The Glory of God is the declaration of who God is so the “hope of glory” is Jesus being revealed in and through us

4) The key to living the Christian life is knowing that the life of Christ is within us

5) Work really really hard at not working really really hard as a Christian

6) Learning of Jesus and spending time with Him is so necessary to reflect His love and life from within

7) The contrast of Saul and Paul (Religion and Relationship with Christ). He went from hands that went into people’s houses and drug them out for jail time to hands that worked incredible miracles. This is redemption!

8) Romans 6:14- Under law (and self-effort) sin will have dominion over you. Under Grace sin will not!