Vision of Grace Church

“Advancing God’s Kingdom one heart at a time!”

(Matthew 4:17; Matthew 5:3; Matthew 6:10; Mark 9:1; John 18:36-37; Romans 14:17)



Goals and Specific Assignments for 2016:

  • Allow the Lord to take greater dominion in us that he might take greater dominion through us. 
  • Cultivate a Kingdom culture of healing within Grace Church.  
  • A house where wounded and weary saints can be restored, rebuilt, and renewed by growing in their understanding of the true nature of God.  (Be Isaiah 61:1-4).  
  • Continue to emphasize that repetition and reinforcement through relationship produces discipleship.  
  • Awaken God’s people to Righteousness and our true identity.
  • Clarify the Biblical position of grace as it relates to universalism.
  • Spread God’s Kingdom of peace, generosity, and unity throughout our surrounding community.
  • Continue to broadcast God’s message of grace and truth via digital emphasis and availability.
  • Continue to emphasize prayer and intercession.  



Grace Church Core Values


 We Value Grace Through Faith:

  • Bringing God’s Supply (His Grace) and our receptivity (faith) into a living blend.  We are not only saved by God’s power and ability, but we are to live each day via God’s power and ability. (Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Corinthians 15:10)
  • Knowing productivity flows both naturally and supernaturally from receptivity. (John 15:4-5)

We Value Inward Intimacy:

  • Offering Christ, His Life, His Love, and His internal intimacy to all people.  (John 3:16; John 17:3; 1 John 5:12; Galatians 2:20)
  • Bringing a blessed balance to the Truth of God’s Word and the Love of God’s Spirit. (Proverbs 11:1, 2 Corinthians. 3:6, John 14:16-18)

We Value In Christ Identity:

  • Humbly agreeing the truest thing about us (and others) is what God says about us (and others). God’s Truth trumps not only behavior but even what we think, feel, and believe about ourselves. (James 4:10, John 8:32, 1 John 5:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Knowing God has intentionally cornered the market on human fulfillment, function, and satisfaction. We are simply most at home walking out our identity in Christ. Gas in the car, oil in the lamp, Christ in the human. (Colossians 1:16-17, Mark 5:1-15, Romans 8:29)

We Value The Priesthood of the Believer:

  • Equipping and empowering the saints to do the work of ministry rather than adhering to one-man ministry models or religious elitisms. (Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Peter 2:9)
  • Leading people like Jesus does; by serving and supplying not by demanding. (John 13:1-17, Matthew 20:28)

We Value Community:

  • Building authentic relationships not as a “sanctioned church program” but as a part of every believer’s identity and purpose. (Acts 2:46-47; Galatians 6:10; Romans 12:10-13)
  • Not trying to make everyone the same, but bearing fruit through the development of our individual strengths and the joining of our differences. (Ephesians 4:1-3; 1 Corinthians. 12:12)
  • Protecting and promoting the strength and sacredness of what God’s Word defines as home, marriage and family.  (Ephesians 5:22-33; Proverbs 22:6)



Grace Church Culture 

  • A friendly, welcoming environment where new people, individuals, and families are valued,  cared about, and can get easily connected. 
  • A fellowship of believers who are authentic not religious, whose desire is to simply love God and love people. 
  • A love-filled and grateful people who worship God in Spirit and in Truth, whether it manifests in quiet intimacy, prayerful intercession, or praise celebration. 
  • Faith-filled believers who assemble in confident expectation of encountering God’s loving presence and growing in His word. 
  • A church community who celebrates one another’s gifts, strengths, and successes because we are not only for God, we are for one another. 
  • A victorious people who believe in Christ’s ability to take suffering, pain, and injustice and bring good out of them. 
  • A humble people who utilize prayer to know God intimately and to align themselves with His will rather than aligning Him with theirs.
  • Children who wake up on Sunday mornings excited to go to church and learn their identity in Christ.
  • A refuge of love, discovery, and empowerment for teenagers and college age students. 



Grace Church Government and Structure

Eldership (listed alphabetically below)

Spirit led leaders who provide spiritual oversight and vision for Grace Church.

  • Bruce Barteaux
  • Brian Cannon
  • Steve Eden (Senior Pastor)
  • Tracy Lucas        


Board of Directors (listed alphabetically below)

Spirit led leaders who provide financial oversight to Grace Church and assure the financial integrity of the overall ministry.

  • Jennifer Baldwin
  • Gretchen Cannon
  • Roger Carson    
  • Steve Eden
  • Paul Huffman
  • Ken Mann 
  • Karen Powell     
  • Vance G. Raymer III
  • Tim Sailsbury


Executive Team (listed alphabetically below)

Spirit led leaders who carry out and execute the daily operations and vision of Grace Church.

  • Gretchen Cannon
  • Steve Eden
  • Jeremy Griffin