By Paula Childers
For weeks on end there seems to be one dominate thought that invades my mind during worship service. For weeks it was "we are in this together"; then it was how gently Jesus' washing is and lately it has been "If only we could see what the spirit is doing." I think that thought has gone through my mind every week of this series. I agree that it would be awesome if we all could dance and skip and laugh and fall at the alter in submissive prayer to our sweet father during worship. But I think God is doing more than that. One week I had a vision of us all holding hands and dancing and worshipping together. And I often feel the strong presence of dance but rarely see it with my eyes.
For many years I have thanked God for the things I cannot see. Now I thank God for the remarkable way he works. and for the things I will never know, and for the unthinkable things only He is capable of.
Today as I thought about how our physical view limits our spiritual view in worship service, I had a revelation that that same truth can apply to my relationships to others. I often get offended. I mean I have a tendency to Take Offense when words are shared between me and others. But the realization that more was going on than words rarely enters my mind. The spiritual realm is powerful and seems to be much like a current that can easily sweep us away in one direction or the other. I think that the reminder that more than words are being exchanged in a relationship could be a powerful tool in reconciling brokenness and bringing about a much different perspective.
Mr. Cannon challenged us to say "Dyn-O-Mite" in service and my challenge would be to seek out the unseen. Change your perspective and look at the heart. Maybe you will choose to keep the offense but maybe God will open your eyes to something you could never even imagine.