By Cindy Dockery
If God values the life of a sparrow which worth is 2 for a penny, then how much more does God love and value you? He counts the number of hairs on your head (Matt. 10:29-31) If God values the life of a sparrow which worth is 5 for 2 pennies, then how much more does God love and value you? He counts the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:6,7)
To see God's love is to see your value. To see your value is to see His protection. When you see how much God loves you can see yourself protected. As a child of God, you are righteous in His sight 2 Cor. 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. You are blessed beyond measure. Some say God will cursed you. God does not curse His children. Look at Deuteronomy 23:5 Nevertheless the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam, but the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.
Now the enemy can bring a curse, its up to you whether you receive it or not. In other words how you see yourself will determine if that curse has any power over you. I see it like this: I am protected in a layer of bubble wrap, God's love for me. When I'm wrapped up whatever the enemy throws (darts and arrows) can only bounce of--it can not penatrate. Now if I see myself not loved and valued in God's sight then there is no protection and those darts and arrows can hit hard and heavy. I'm vulnerable to the attacks because I'm feeling hopeless and helpless. Now I didn't say God doesn't love me, His love is always there. There is great power in God's love and seeing myself loved! But not understanding and grasping God's love for me gives the enemy a playground of destruction.
Jesus said are you not worth more than the sparrows. You are loved and protected by your Father. His love never fails and never leaves! Know that He knows everything about you so no matter what you think--you don't have the power to make God stop loving you. So why kick against the goads? I say jump on board and allow His love to wrap you up and protect you from all things. He is your refuge and fortress. He will deliver you from all things. He keeps you when everything else is falling. He assigns angels to you. He is always with you in trouble or in honor. His is your salvation and He is the only One that can satisfy--Psalm 91