I would like to invite you to join us this Sunday as we continue the series, "The Price of Pride". We will be looking at how Pride can hinder the Empowering Grace of God from working through us. When Scripture says, "God resists the proud but gives Grace to the humble", we need clarification that Peter and James are not saying we lose the saving Grace of God by entering into pride or self-centeredness. That might create quite a few insecure Christians if that were the intent. But God's Grace is more than just one dimensional. It does more than save us, it also empowers us to express Jesus to others. My point is that if we are in pride, we don't lose our identity in Christ we just lose our ability to live out our new identity and express Jesus to others. We don't stop Jesus love coming to us (He's just so good), but we can stop Jesus love from coming through us. So it is crucial we remain humble in our walk with the Lord, willingly acknowledging our need for Him at all times - especially if we want Him to be seen in and through us. The reason you have people sit in church their whole life who never become loving, kind, mature, and empowered is because they were never told the criteria for those things is not deservedness but rather receptivity.