I was at TBN this morning recording a show that will air Friday December 12 th at 10:30 am and the topic was this new series we are doing, “Rediscovering the Love of God.” Is there any greater revelation than seeing the love of our Father in the face of the Son? Jesus said in John 14:9, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father…” Wow! God is Christ-like? Could it be? Our hearts sing in response! Because if God is Christ-like then I know His heart and attitude towards me, others, sinners, the broken, and lost people. He is now not only trustable, He is approachable. He not only means well, He means to make me well; make all of us well; all of humanity well for that matter. Too often we try to know and believe God’s love for us by using our performance, our human intellect, our circumstances, our feelings (God forbid right?), and even the law. We’ve heard so much law in the American church (why I’m not sure) that we think God’s love is based on our ability to keep it. We mistakenly relate to God by our conduct instead of by the character of Jesus Christ ~ who clearly loves us because of who He is not because of what we do. I mean, do we honestly think we control God’s character and nature by how we perform? If we do, we are nothing short of arrogant. God is who He is, and His feelings towards me are up to Him and His character not up to my religious abilities.
I will leave you with this: When a child was asked who Jesus was he quipped, “Jesus was the best photograph God ever took of Himself.” Another little girl added, “Jesus is the One who gave God such a good reputation.” That’s just great, great revelation right?! See ya Sunday!!