Students of grace Team updates
3-27-2020 Update
Hey SOG Leadership Team!
During this time of being apart it is vital that you keep yourself fed by sitting with Him and remaining connected with Him throughout the day. Jesus said in John 15 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing”…“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” Let your fruit be fruit that remains during this season and beyond.
As soon as I am able to get the student’s contact information and we can connect with them as a large group I want us to begin sending out things that will help grow them as individuals. I would like to send something out 3-4 times a week that would engage them in dialogue within their small group virtual community. I do not have it all lined out yet but I want each one of you to be processing the fact that I will be contacting you to give a little segment via video about a specific scripture or concept at some point. So taking this time to practice a little bit ahead of time would be great!
Love you all and miss your faces! ~ Gretchen
Ways to record a video and get it to me:
Record a video and send it to me via google drive. (Please record it with your phone horizontal)
Record a video on an apple device. Then meet me to air drop it to my apple device. (Please record it with your phone horizontal)
Record a video and upload it to your YouTube account. (Please record it with your phone horizontal)
Send a video to me via Marco Polo and I can save it. I don’t like this option because the video can not be recorded horizontal, but it is an option.
Here are ways to connect with your small groups:
I would like each small group to have both a video and a written way for the group to connect as a whole. Here are some options for you to consider.
CONNECTION: Some of you already have your small groups gathered together via GroupMe or Band. I would like each small group to be connected some way other than just group texting where the students or the leader(s) can begin conversation. Both GroupMe and Band come with apps or can operate off a browser.
GroupMe -
Band -
VIDEO: I would encourage you to offer something once a week to your small group as a whole via video chat. Zoom is a great option because it will go across all types of devices and isn’t limited by social media. Here is some information on how to do that:
ZOOM - Free up to 100 participants
Zoom – Zoom is an awesome tool for holding virtual staff meeting, elder meetings, finance team meetings etc. Participants have the option to show video, share their screen, or even call in via phone. We use zoom everyday for video conferencing, one to one meetings, and conference calls.
Here’s a Zoom tutorial someone made. He focuses on desktop/laptops but the app for phones and tablets is very similar:
This message will go out to students on Friday, March 27th. I am working on getting each one of you a list of your students but if their contact information is incorrect then it won’t help you much.
We are tying to get all of our student information updated so we can stay in touch!
Please text the keyword SOGSTUDENT to 94000 if you have a phone. Then complete BOTH forms so we have what we need! EVEN if you have done this prior please do it again as our computer system did not function properly.
Once we can get this information our SOG team will be able to be in touch with with you!
ONLY if your student DOES NOT have a phone please test SOGSTUDENT to 94000.