It's Time To Rise!

Prov 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint." It is so important we do not lose SIGHT of who we are as God's people and as a Godly nation. I believe there is a demonic (not political) agenda at work in this country to blind us from our true identity in Christ and make us comfortable with and a participant with worldly values. Think of all the media out there; now think of the shows and images being piped through to us -- how much righteous identity does it portray? If a man sleeps with another man's wife, LOVE didn't win selfishness did. The enemy wants Christians involved in his values and system so we will have no authority to speak against it. How do you ask God to tear down something that we are a part of? Why are we constantly shown the "rewards" of sexual sin? Not every temptation we face or feeling we have becomes ok as long as we call it 'love'. God is love so please don’t call ‘love’ what God calls something else. Let us return to who God says we are. Let us go upward for our identity into the Kingdom of God (Grace) rather than downward into the animal kingdom (instinct).