As the Lord stirs our hearts again that He is not looking for better methods but rather better men, we launch into "Principles of Successful Families" series. I have posted below some of the notes/stats I will share:
Psalm 11:3 - If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?
Latin Word for Father is fundus, which means base/bottom- where we get foundation.
o Hence the foundation of the home/family is the originator or father. (Also means: Source)
o The Father begins the family with seed, then sustains, nourishes, protects, teaches, and disciples the family.
We will be looking at the plague of fatherlessness in our nation:
Baltimore isn't revealing a race issue or a poverty issue as much as it is revealing the biggest issue facing our nation: fatherlessness. Currently, statistics show the #1 indicator of deviant behavior in a child is no longer race or poverty, it is fatherlessness.
o 90% of all runaways & homeless children come from a fatherless home.
o 70% of all juveniles in state institutions come from a fatherless home.
o 75% of all adolescent patients in drug rehab come from a fatherless.
o 80% of rapists who rape out of displaced anger come from a fatherless home.
o 63% of youth suicides come from a fatherless home.
- Carl Zimmerman, Harvard sociologist studied every major empire & role of family in each culture's decline. He said they are characterized by:
o 1- The loss of male leadership in the home
o 2- An increase in the number of divorces
o 3- Lack of commitment to the sacredness/permanence of marriage
o 4- Family not looked upon as a solution to social problems
o 5- Acceptance of all forms of sexuality
o 6-Adultery/Fornication were celebrated not discouraged. (94% of sex on TV today is between unmarried people)