Community Take Away Points!

Part 3.

  1. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7; 21

· No part of the body can seek to be whole on its own or it threatens the body and the part.

· All of us were created to be part of a ‘whole’ on so many levels. (Marriage, Family, Church, Kingdom)

  1. Genesis 1:4 through Genesis 2:18

· A whole lot of good in the garden but one thing was not: God saw Adam alone.

· God’s startling announcement suggests all the spiritual and material benefits Adam had still left him short in one area—need for human relationship. Adam was made perfect but with needs.

  1. Things that are good but just not enough: Social media, texting, emails. Studies show face to face encounters are actually vital to human health. What else is good but not enough? SUNDAY MORNINGS!

· God is calling us to deeper places with Him and with one another.

· Reinforcement and Repetition through Relationship produces discipleship.

· Cole Brown’s statement and realization: “Pastor what you’re saying is great but when we leave here we don’t live it because we never think about it again.”

  1. Church is like Bestbuy. No one goes to Bestbuy to purchase an iphone or other electronics that only work inside the store. IN the same way, everything you love about Sunday mornings: Getting into God’s Word, Praising Him, Loving people, being loved on, encouragement, and prayer – all those things work outside of church!!!

· God desires us to stir one another to love and good deeds and to actually put into practice what He shares with us on Sundays.

  1. What is Community?

· It’s a place of connection. We make and maintain Christ-based relationships.

· It’s a place of confession. We share our pains and our praises one with another.

· It’s a place of protection. Everyone needs accountability and someone who knows their issues. Our good name we have entrusted to our Father, but our brother’s good name He has entrusted to us.

· It’s a place of progression. Growing & maturing through intimacy with God and one another is our Father’s end goal. (Barna: 82% of Christians said *spiritual development *was not a key part of the Christian life.)

o Real growth doesn’t happen because of great sermons. It happens when you take the message the Lord gives you here and talk it out/work it out/apply it out with others.