By Jeremy Griffin
So I just read a disturbing article about Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill. If you are not familiar with him it's really not important. All you need to know for the context of this post is that Mars Hill is a multi-campus "mega-church" based in Washington.
What bothers me is that I'm even reading this article at all. I know this has been going on for decades now but the "disgraced man-of-god" schtick is getting old.
I'm not sure where this comes from exactly. Is it that these pastors elevate themselves and thus become targets? Is it their congregations? Do they hold these guys in such high regard that they forget they are just men? Is it residual effects from fallen television evangelists of old that cause people in the media, who may have never been objectively exposed to these church leaders teachings and concepts, to blindly take statements out of context?
Regardless of the cause of these "falls" and perceived evils I am in faith believing that there is a shift in paradigm coming. That when church leaders embrace not that they are ordinary but that all Gods creations are equally extraordinary, and when church goers will understand not that they're pastor is a measure above but that we are all measured by Jesus' righteousness, and when the world sees exemplified that churches are not a place of piety but a place of charity, love and acceptance, that we will see the temperature toward the American church begin to warm. That through this shift the doors of ministry will be blown open wide for all of us to stand, imperfectly perfect together and model Jesus. Not because of who we are but because of who He is.