Jesus Christ Is God's "Selfie" - Take part in this journey of discovering the true nature of God as revealed in Jesus Christ, His Son. Is the greatest revelation, the most trustworthy revelation of who God really is at His heart, not His own personal, perfect revelation of Himself?
John 1:18, John 10:30, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:15, and John 12:45 all testify that Jesus Christ is the exact representation of God's nature. While the Old Testament revealed God's nature towards sin; the New Testament through Jesus Christ has revealed God's nature towards the sinner. Through the law came the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20), but through Jesus Christ came the knowledge of God (John 14:9).
Who you believe God is at the core of His being affects so many crucial things, such as:
1. How you relate to God
2. The level of your praise
3. The level of your trust
4. How you relate to others
Listen and enlist yourself in being a revealer of God's true nature.
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