Core Partners at grace church
A Core Partner is someone who is called by God and planted into the family of Grace Church. They are lovers of Jesus who gather together, not just on Sunday, but grow together in living in and out of His manifest presence to advance His Kingdom, His goodness and His Spirit into the hearts of human beings. They are a people who are committed to partner in carrying out His heart and mission as part of this local spiritual family. There is a belonging that is established when the leadership, as Core Partners themselves, and those called into this partnership intentionally communicate their commitment to one another as they accept each other as partners. We saw Jesus demonstrate that a core people became a spiritual family on a deeper level in relational support and commitment to one another as they navigated their life with and in Christ.
“Now may God, the source of great endurance and comfort, grace you with unity among yourselves, which flows from your relationship with Jesus, the Anointed One. Then, with a unanimous rush of passion, you will with one voice glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will bring God glory when you accept and welcome one another as partners, just as the Anointed One has fully accepted you and received you as his partner.” - Romans 15:5-7 TPT
“But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased.” - 1 Corinthians 12:18 NKJV
Core Partner Commitment
Please take time to read the commitment on the part of the leadership and our ask of your partnership. As well as, sit with the Lord concerning your call as a Core Partner at Grace Church then complete the form at the following website. Keep in mind that when you complete the form it will only update the profile that is logged in. Each adult answering the form has to be signed into the appropriate account for that individual. If you need assistance let the office know. 405-390-1000
Commitment Specifics of a core partner
We as the leadership of Grace Church commit to you to:
Design corporate gatherings that develop you into disciples of Jesus rather than training you to just hear messages or hang out.
Provide opportunities for you to meet other disciples of Jesus so you can be intentionally equipped to reproduce the message God has given us at Grace Church.
Be purposeful to communicate to you things of great importance before they get communicated in a corporate setting. (Be sure and keep your information current via Church Center and remain active on it so you will receive those updates.)
In partnering with the following heart and mission of Grace Church:
We are called to advance God’s Kingdom one heart at a time, which is the rule and reign of the Lordship of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit in people’s lives.
We are those who live intimately connected to Jesus through the new covenant economy knowing that God is Christlike and rejecting transactional living.
As we abide in Jesus we get our identity from Him, which empowers us to put God on display and disciple others to abide in Him, walk in His ways and do His works.
I commit as a Core Partner to the following:
Intentionally pursue Jesus through my new covenant relationship with Him.
Be intentional to engage with the Holy Spirit to help those around me grow into disciples of Jesus.
Embrace the call of Jesus into this partnership with the spiritual family at Grace Church.
Be intentional in my engagement as I accept and welcome one another as Kingdom partners.
Actively pray for, build up and promote unity within our Grace Church family and the Body of Christ.
If I am called away from my Grace Church family I will communicate openly and lovingly with leadership before my departure.