There are mysteries laid out all throughout the scriptures. What if God lays before us hidden things so we will search for the answers? His desire is that each of us would seek Him and know Him. With heart and soul we can search for these treasures. It's a journey that lasts a lifetime with treasures along the way and mysteries solved as we grow in our relationship with Him. Mysteries are meant to be discovered. What mysteries in the scriptures are meant to be discovered as new covenant believers? Let’s take this journey together to discover them.
Session 1 - Stewardship
Session 4 - Peace
Session 2 - Christ In You
Session 5 - Faith
Session 7 - Your White Stone
Session 3 - Wisdom and Knowledge
Session 6 - Prayer
Kidz of grace resources
Kingdom Kidz (Preschool) - Earthshakers (Elementary)