A Disciple of Jesus Part 7 - Ep. 14

A disciple is someone who abides in Him, which creates a deep desire and delight of walking in His ways, which then creates a by-product of doing His works! ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS As Gretchen concludes this 7 part series she dives into different works of Jesus that we get to partner with Him in doing as we remain connected to Him and allow His character to be formed within us.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

A Disciple of Jesus Part 6 - Does His Works - Ep. 13

A disciple is someone who abides in Him, which creates a deep desire and delight of walking in His ways, which then creates a by-product of doing His works! ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS

Gretchen in this episode looks into different works of Jesus that we get to partner with Him in doing as we remain connected to Him and allow His character to be formed within us. She also shares her testimony of being healed of Mastocytosis.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

A Disciple of Jesus Part 5 - Walks in His Ways - Ep.12

A disciple is someone who abides in Jesus, which creates a deep desire and delight of walking in His ways, which then creates a by-product of doing His works! ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS

In this episode Gretchen dives into what it looks like to "Walk in His ways" as we allow His character and nature to be formed within us! This is not something we do, but rather who we become as we sit with Him and choose His choices!

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

A Disciple of Jesus Part 4 - Abides in Him - Ep.11

Abiding is living connected to Jesus in a 24/7 relationship. Intimacy with Him is primary! Learning to live connected to the Vine as our source with authenticity and honesty with the Father in on-going receptivity. Spiritual disciplines of reading the Bible, prayer, worship, communion, etc. serve a lifestyle of remaining in Him but they do not trump it.

Some scriptures to dive into concerning abiding are: John 15:1-17, John 8:31, 2 John 1:9, 1 John 2:24, Matthew 4:4, John 14:17, 1 John 5:12, John 14:16-18, John 6:28-29, John 6:63, John 10:14.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

A Disciple of Jesus Part 3 - Ep. 10

In this episode Gretchen covers multiple scriptures that contain ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS, which is what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus. If we aren't careful we can go and attempt to walk in His ways and do His works apart from Him. Matthew 7:21-23 is a perfect example of what that looks like.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

A Disciple of Jesus Part 2 - Ep. 09

Colossians 3:12-17 has a great depiction of ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS, which is what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus. Gretchen Cannon goes through these scriptures discussing the different aspects of this verse and how it marries to each component of ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

A Disciple of Jesus Part 1 - Ep. 08

Gretchen Cannon begins to dive into what it looks like to become a disciple of Jesus.


A disciple is someone who abides in Jesus, which creates a deep desire and delight of walking in His ways, which then creates a by-product of doing His works!

She shares a prophetic word that was spoken over Grace Church in January 2016 and how ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS was all throughout it. Matthew 28:18-20 is famously known as The Great Commission, a scripture passage that tells us to do the work of Jesus by discipling others. In this episode she lays out how it isn't just a work of Jesus but all three components of a disciple (ABIDE→ WAYS → WORKS) are displayed in these verses.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com

What Does Doing the Will of the Father Look Like for Us? - Ep. 07

Jesus desires that we do the will of the Father from a place of abiding, resting, trusting. Obedience is a byproduct of knowing Him. “If you love me, you will keep my commands.”, says Jesus in John 14:15. A little bit after this he says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” In order for us to have the capacity to be obedient to the will of the Father we must turn our hearts towards abiding in Jesus – towards a heart-level intimacy with Him. Jesus is looking for those whose life is fueled by a burning passion for Him not those that will "do" things for Him.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

Grace Church: http://www.gracechurch.community

Her Blog: https://www.whitestonerevelation.com