Jesus' Love Language is Obedience - Ep. 06

Obedience is God’s love language, and Jesus was the perfect example of how to love God and obey Him completely. Jesus made it very clear that His focus was on obeying His Father and no one else. He chose to be obedient. Hebrews 5:8-9 says “He was a son, yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered. And having been perfected he became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him.”

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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The Process of Transformation Part 3 - Ep. 05

In this episode of "Walk it Out" Mike Q. Daniel joins Gretchen Cannon as they talk through the new covenant using The Process of Transformation tool.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Connect with Mike Q. Daniel

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The Process of Transformation Part 2 - Ep. 04

In this episode Gretchen Cannon continues talking about The Process of Transformation tool and how it can help us know where we are in the process. She spends more time discussing the behavioral gap and also uses examples in our every day life as we move towards ownership.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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The Process of Transformation Part 1 - Ep. 03

Have you ever heard or read something, maybe even a scripture, and thought “I got it! This truth has interrupted my life and I’m transformed!"? Then you realize it is a process and you haven't really "gotten it." In this episode, Gretchen Cannon begins to talk through the process of transformation that we go through, as we move from aware to own, while she uses the "True You" book by Steve Eden to explain it.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

To purchase the True You book she talked about click here.

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Dig Deep to Lay Your Foundation on the Rock, Jesus - Ep. 02

Gretchen Cannon begins to dive into what it means to build on the Rock through our obedience. 1 Peter 2:4-8 says it lays out that we are living stones that are chosen by God. As builders we do what the Word is saying and we allow the cornerstone (Jesus) to be placed within our lives. Luke 6:46-48 tells us that we are to build upon Jesus as The Rock through hearing the Lord's voice and walking out our obedience.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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The Beginning of Walk It Out - Ep. 01

In this initial episode of "Walk it Out" Gretchen Cannon shares a bit about who she is as well as the purpose and heart behind "Walk it Out."

Which is to encourage the Lord’s heart of obedience in what He’s saying to us, talk about what it looks like to walk out the power and the practicality of Biblical truths and go deeper in them, share testimonial stories to help illustrate in what today’s world it might look to "walk it out." and to discuss the values and language we use at Grace Church and within Disciple Making.

Psalm 118:21- 23: Are we going to be the builders that reject the stone or those that build through our obedience with the Lord?

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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