Deliverance and Strongholds Part 7 - Ep. 70

Gretchen Cannon on this episode of Walk it Out reminds us how to partner with the Lord as you walk through all aspects of deliverance.  In this final part of the deliverance series she also recaps the tools that can help you find healing and freedom by the power of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to your heart areas that He wants to deliver you from!

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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Deliverance and Strongholds Part 6 - Ep. 69

On this episode of Walk it Out Annie Lawhon is back on with Gretchen Cannon as they talk about all things Deliverance and as Annie shares the story of her deliverance journey.  Her testimony of deliverance is one filled with hope and practical strategies to walk out freedom!

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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Deliverance and Strongholds Part 5 - Ep. 68

On this episode of Walk it Out Rachel Wilson joins Gretchen Cannon as she shares the story of her deliverance journey.  This testimony is filled with how the Lord was so good to her as He revealed different doors that were open and parts of her heart that weren’t surrendered to Him.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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Deliverance and Strongholds Part 4 - Ep. 67

Tonight Gretchen Cannon and Andrea Morgan focus on how to live victoriously in this day to day life. This includes how to stay free from demonic oppression by keeping doors closed and building strong Godly strongholds in your life.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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Deliverance and Strongholds Part 3 - Ep. 66

On this episode of Walk it Out Gretchen Cannon and Andrea Morgan dive into strongholds as they continue their discussion on deliverance. They address Godly strongholds as well as strongholds we build within our mind when we take a real life event and marry it to a lie.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

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Deliverance and Strongholds Part 2 - Ep. 65

In Luke 4:18-19 it says that we are anointed to "proclaim release to the captives" and "to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” Join Gretchen Cannon and her guest, Andrea Morgan, as they break the stigma about demonization in Christians and about how we give access to the demonic.   

If you are interested in knowing more about the deliverance ministry that they talked about here is their website. 

The two books mentioned are: "Spiritual Warfare" by Dr. Karl Payne and "Doing the Supernatural Works of Jesus” by Everette Cox.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

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Deliverance and Strongholds Part 1 - Ep. 64

Join Gretchen Cannon and her special guest, Andrea Morgan, as they begin a discussion on partnering with Jesus to help people be delivered. In this episode you will hear about Gretchen’s personal testimony about being delivered and what role Andrea played in it.  

If you are interested in knowing more about the deliverance ministry that they talked about here is their website. 

The two books mentioned are: "Spiritual Warfare" by Dr. Karl Payne and "Doing the Supernatural Works of Jesus” by Everette Cox.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

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Values Part 28 - Ep. 63

It is here!!! The final episode of the Walk it Out Values Series! Gretchen Cannon and Annie Lawhon wrap up this series by summarizing the values Jesus has asked us to advance His Kingdom with at Grace Church. We are those who live intimately connected to Christ through a new covenant economy; getting our identity from Him, which empowers us to put God on display and disciple others.

What is Jesus speaking to you? What are you gonna do about it? Now, go walk it out!

Listen on your favorite platform: Apple Podcast - Spotify - YouTube

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